Sunday, 1 March 2015

Evaluation of the Breakfast Club remake

Hi, we will be evaluating the remake that we did of the opening of the popular 80s film the Breakfast Club. We will be talking about the cinematography, sound, editing and mise-en-scene.

We were able to copy the shots from the opening of the film and place them within our college. However, for some scenes we had to improvise with what we had. For example, there are shots that take place inside of cars. For those we had to use chairs and make it look like we were in cars, however we were still able to get the same shots that took place inside the cars. Also, some of the shots were slightly shaky. This was because we unfortunately only had just over an hour to shoot the scene. Most of the time we used during this was looking for similar places to those used in the original shots. Because of this, we didn't have time to set up a tripod for each shot, which resulted in a shaky camera. However, we learned from this experience how valuable a tripod really is.

For sound, we decided to add the sound from the opening scene and place it over our remake as we thought it would add a unique style to the film, however we believe that it made the film seem lazy. We didn't have enough time to say every line from the movie and instead did a poor job at miming the lines from the movie. However, we can justify this to an extent as the main focus of the task was to set up the shots to look almost exactly how they looked in the movie. To be honest, we could have spent a little more time planning for the sound (the dialogue and music). We now value the sound quality, based on this experience.

We were able to match the pace of the editing from the original film, we added the credits from the original film before our shots as we thought it would be easier to do that than having to re-create each of the credits. We were not able to replicate the famous glass smashing transition in the beginning of the film, however we did use a different transition. It looks slightly cheesy, however, it was only practice. Since we did this remake of the Breakfast Club opening sequence, we have become better at editing and now believe we are ready to take on the challenge of editing our own title sequence.

For the Mise-en-scene we did not fully copy how the characters' dressed in the film as we did not have the clothing. Also, as we mentioned, we did not have any cars to film in for the scenes that required them. But however we did make the film look like it was set in a high school which added validity to the world. The mise-en-scene is a vital part of the process of making a film, thus we have made it a primary focus that we get all the props, costume and settings perfect in our real title sequence.

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