Shots we will need to use:
1. Ident - Universal Pictures
2. David Bowie quote (with a smashed glass transition)
3. Establishing shot of school
4. Low/Mid angle show of clock
5. Shot of hallway (Long shot?)
6. Shot of canteen (Close up?) - Counter
7. Close up of student store
8. Close up of carved writing in plank of wood
9. Mid/long shot of open locker (dirty)
10. Close up of some lockers
11. Close up of newspaper
12. Close up of brick wall 'I don't like mondays'
13. Close up of trophy case
14. Close up of vandalised wall
15. Close up of rubbish on staircase
16. Long shot of hall/curtains
17. Close up of notebook 'Help, Help'
18. Close up of 'man of the year' page
19. Longshot of computer room/ classroom
20. Gym clothes on bench/ open locker - close up
21. Close up of counselor's desk
22. Close up of Prom Queen poster
23. Extreme close up of locker (moves downward)
24. Close up of car (moves upwards)
25. Close up/ two shot of people in car
26. Reversed of 25
27. 25 repeated
28. Long shot of person getting out of car (side)
29. 3 Shot close up of people in car
30. Reversed of 29
31. 29 repeated
32. Repeated 30
33. 29 repeated again
34. Person getting out of car (front/side)
35. Two shot of people in car
36. Reverse of 35
37. Repeat of 35
38. Repeat of 36
39. Repeat of 35
40. Person getting out of car (long shot) (side)
41. Crane shot of library
42. Mid/ two shot - Depth of frame
43. Long shot of person coming into library
44. Extreme long shot
45. Long/ crane shot
46. Close up of Brian staring at Allison
47. Mid shot/ two shot
48. Repeat of 47
49. Long shot of Principal walking into library