High School Dramas
High School Drama 1 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off
What titles do we see and in what order?
Production company, Director, Cast, Title, Further Cast, Music, Costume Designer, Editor, Production Designer, Director of Photography, Producer, Writer & Director.
Category/type of title?
What font/ typeface is used (or describe if not sure)?
Gill Sans or Ultrabold.
What action do we see behind the titles?
The main protagonist, Ferris, pretending to be ill to his parents in order to avoid going to school.
High School Drama 2 - The Social Network
What titles do we see and in what order?
Distribution Company, Production Company, Director, Title, Cast, Costume, Sound Design, Music, Director of photography, Editors, Producers, Production Designer.
Category/type of title?
What font/ typeface is used (or describe if not sure)?
What action do we see behind the titles?
The main protagonist, Mark, going to college.
Youth Drama 1 - Donnie Darko
What titles do we see and in what order?
Distribution Company, Production Company, Writer, Film title.
Category/type of title?
What font/ typeface is used (or describe if not sure)?
Description - Sharp edges - Possibly an Arabic style font.
What action do we see behind the titles?
The camera shows the main protagonist waking up in the middle of the road, then cycling home.
Youth Drama 2 - Juno
What titles do we see and in what order?
Distribution company (twice), Production company, Title of film, Cast, Casting director, Costume designer, Music and score by, Music supervisor, Co-Producer, Film editor, Production Designer, Director of Photography, Executive Producers, Producers, Writer, Director.
Category/type of title?
What font/ typeface is used (or describe if not sure)?
Description - Looks like has been written in a notebook with a felt-tip pen.
What action do we see behind the titles?
The protagonist, Juno, walking. Stylised as if she is a collection of pictures in notebook through stop motion in drew backgrounds.
Jack's Favourite Title sequence -
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